YHWH's Learning Channel
Exposing the darkness to the truth.
YOM TERUAH (Trumpets)
September 19, 2019
An important study for all who desire to correctly apply our Father’s Calendar and His Appointed Times
FALL Appointed Times – YOM TERUAH (Trumpets)
I lovingly and humbly share this in-depth Scriptural study with all those who seek TRUTH from Scripture and Scripture alone – and do NOT follow any man, ministry, religion or church, no matter how popular they are . ..
So much of what we have been taught by learned men and women over thousands of years regarding the Scriptural Calendar, simply doesn’t add-up and leaves too much room for error and personal interpretation – resulting in varying opinions, leading to much confusion among believers.
It was NOT instituted by Mosheh (Moses) as many preach and teach, but by Almighty YHWH Himself!
In four (4) verses (14, 21, 31 and 41) of chapter 23, of the Book of Wayyiqra (Leviticus), we read that these appointed times are ETERNAL – meaning it STILL APPLIES to ALL Believers who choose OBEDIENCE to the Instructions and Commands (Torah) of YHWH !
No pastor or church can REFUTE, NULLIFY, DELETE or ALTER Almighty Father YHWH’s Eternal Appointed Times!
What He has COMMANDED will NOT return to Him empty (YeshaYah (Isaiah) 55:11).
Yom Teruah (Trumpets)
1st of the [FALL] Eternal Appointed Times
“Speak to the children of Yisrael (includes every Believer [BOTH Jew and Gentile], who guard and observe YHWH’s Instructions and Commands), saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you have a rest, a remembrance of blowing of trumpets, a [set-apart gathering].
Wayyiqra (Lev) 23:24.
And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you have a set-apart gathering, you do [no servile work], it is a day of blowing the trumpets for you.
Bemidbar (Numbers) 29:1
Although the trumpet is sounded at the beginning of each month, the seventh month’s blast signals the beginning of the fall festivals. The first being Yom Teruah! Yom Teruah is followed ten days later by the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), a foreshadowing of the day the books would be closed and judgment would begin.
YHWH Mashiach (Messiah) referenced this appointed time in His answer to Peter, James, John and Andrew’s private questions regarding the end times. These men were all Yahudites (Jews) – so they understood to what He was referring. The average Christian, unfortunately, misses this very important revelation, because they have not been properly schooled in the commands of YHWH. We must understand that we are to be set-apart as He is set-apart – set-apart from the world for His service.
Wayyiqra (Lev) 20:7-8
‘And you shall set yourselves apart, and shall be set-apart, for I am YHWH your ELohim, and you shall guard My laws and do them. I am YHWH, who sets you apart’.
In order to become set-apart, we are instructed to keep YHWH’s commands and practice them. Even the erroneous King James version says, “Observe to do them”.
But what exactly are His commands?
Are they just the Ten Commandments, or is there more?
A closer look at the Hebrew always helps.
The word translated as statute (command) is [chuqqah], which is basically defined as:
Something prescribed, an enactment, an appointment.
These are the set-apart days that YHWH gave His people. They are NOT only “Jewish holidays” as so many falsely claim – they are the set-apart times of YHWH, and represent His calendar of events for BOTH Jew and Stranger (Gentile). If we want to be people of understanding, we must understand His appointed times, or we’ll never be prepared for what is coming.
When Messiah died on the tree/pole/stake, He fulfilled (filled up – full of meaning) the 4 spring appointed times. From Pesach (Passover) and the Feast of Matzah (Unleavened Bread), to Bikkurim (First Fruits) and Shavuot (Pentecost), Messiah’s sacrificial life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father gave new meaning to each and every one of these appointed times.
When Mashiach YHWH returns again in esteem to judge the living and the dead, He will bring the full meaning of the fall appointed times as well. The ancient Yisraelites understood that there would be a [future] Yom Teruah – no one was sure when this might happen – when the Shofar blast would arouse them from their slumber, (as when YHWH gave the Instructions/Commands (Torah) from the mountain top), they would know that the end was near – indeed, right at the door! This Day of Trumpets would signal the beginning of the end, which the prophet Daniel revealed. In “those days” when the trumpet would blast, it would signal that generation to fall upon its knees, confessing their sins, and preparing for their coming Mashiach, for judgment was at hand. This is why each year the practicing Yahudite (Jew) will contact friends and family, apologizing for wrongs committed and seeking forgiveness – it’s their way of enacting this statute, and it should be ours as well.
For Yom Teruah is almost here! We must be prepared for the appointment of YHWH made with our forefathers so long ago – for this year brings us closer than ever before to “That Great Day” – the future Yom Teruah, when we will all hear the shofar’s blast, announcing that the end has begun.
Are we prepared and ready to hear the blast of His Trumpet?
Please note what The Scriptures teach – it is an appointed time of rest and a set-apart gathering, meaning that NO WORK and trading is to be done on this day.
Many will be in error for following man’s guidance, rather than studying Scripture and seeking the guidance of YHWH’s Ruach (Spirit). I trust all will make the time to STUDY His Word afresh.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahwah Ha Mashiach for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
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