Exodus 12:1-51 Mashiach Our Passover is Slain for Us Exodus chapter twelve records the last of the ten plagues, which was the death of all the firstborn in Egypt. The blood of the Passover lamb was a type of the Lamb of God–Mashiach our Passover. The word “Passover” (pasach) means “to pass over; to spread …
Monthly Archives: March 2019
The Father’s Name
Matthew 28:19 Name is singular. Nations more than one. What is the Savior’s true name? What is the Father’s name? Luke 24:47 One name among all nations starting at Jerusalem. Psalm 72:17 All nations blessed in Yahwah’s name. John 5:43 The Savior came in His Father’s name. Whatever name the Father has the Son has …
YHWH’s Learning Channel Statement of Faith
Section 1. The Scriptures Inspired The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of Yahwah Elohim and are the revelation of Yahwah Elohim to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct (2 Tim. 3:15-17; 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21). We do not believe that any other books are the …
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Jesus Name – The Mask of Tammuz
Acts 4:12 states that there is no other name given whereby we must be saved. Some versions today of the New Testament give the name ‘Jesus’ as being the name of Salvation, while others state it is Yashua. Old Testament scriptures say YHWH is the Savior and none other. Since Revelation 14:1; 9:4 and 7:3 …
Ten Reasons Why Messiah’s Name Isn’t Jesus
1. The letter “J” is a new letter to the English alphabet. Reference: “J, the tenth letter in the English alphabet, is the youngest of the 26 letters. It is a descendant of the letters I and was not generally considered a separate letter until the 17th century” The New Book of Knowledge Vol. J …
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